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Colonoscopy Prep


Prepare for Your Colonoscopy: A Comprehensive Guide


A colonoscopy is a medical procedure that allows doctors to examine the large intestine (colon) and rectum. It is an important screening tool for colorectal cancer, which is the third leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States.


Preparing for a colonoscopy is essential to ensure that the procedure is successful. The preparation process typically begins several days before the exam and involves:

Dietary Restrictions

* Avoid consuming nuts and seeds, including wraps and breads containing them. * Stop eating popcorn.

Bowel Cleanse

* Cleanse your bowels with a laxative formula as directed by your doctor.

Medication and Supplement Restrictions

* Discontinue taking certain medications or supplements several days prior to the colonoscopy. Your doctor will provide specific instructions.

Importance of Preparation

Adequate preparation ensures that: * Your bowel is completely emptied, allowing for clear visualization of the colon. * The procedure can be performed safely and effectively. * You experience minimal discomfort during the exam.


Your doctor may recommend a different bowel preparation regimen based on your individual needs. It is important to follow their instructions carefully to achieve the best results.

