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Technical Infringement Leads To Exclusion From Grid

Haas Drivers Disqualified from Monaco Grand Prix Qualifying Over Illegal Rear Wing

Technical Infringement Leads to Exclusion from Grid

Haas Formula 1 drivers Kevin Magnussen and Nico Hulkenberg have been disqualified from the results of qualifying for the 2024 Monaco Grand Prix after the stewards discovered an irregularity with their car's rear wing.

Communication Breakdown Blamed for Disqualification

Haas has explained that a communications breakdown between the team and the FIA led to the illegal rear wing being used on both drivers' cars. The team failed to provide the FIA with the correct technical specifications for the rear wing, which resulted in it failing a post-qualifying inspection.

Consequences of Disqualification

The disqualification means that Magnussen and Hulkenberg will not be allowed to start the race from their original grid positions. The team has been granted a right to review, which will take place on Sunday morning before the race. If the review is unsuccessful, the drivers will be forced to start the race from the back of the grid.
